Do you have any plans set out for your future? If so, what are they?
Of course, the biggest is becoming a published author.
Has anyone ever told you that they LOVE you?
I’m very happy to say that yes, he has.
How old were you when you learned how to read?
Began to learn in kindergarten, became pretty good at it in first grade.
What is the strangest thing anyone has ever said to you? would be: “oh no, let’s get some spatulas!” But there are many. Some can be found here. I am guilty of some of the strangeness as well.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
I shoot for twice, though admittedly it doesn’t always happen. But sometimes I’ll brush 3+ times.
When you're reading, do your lips tend to move?
I don’t think they do, but I’m pretty sure I make facial expressions in response to what I’ve read.
How many language classes have you taken and what languages were they?
I took a year of Spanish in high school and a semester of sign language in college. I really liked sign language and want to someday learn more.
Do you sleep more or sleep less than eight hours per night?
Sadly less. There’s just not enough time in the day for sleep.
Do you have a large CD collection?
I would say so. Though there’s only a few cds in constant rotation in my collection.
Has a person ever lied to you so much that you can no longer trust them?
Yes, yes they have.
Do you have a fear of the Doctor and/or the Dentist?
Nope. Six years of braces (meaning visiting the orthodontist once a month and dentist every four months) cured me of any fear of the dentist. Going to the doctor is a bit of an annoyance because I hate being sick, but again, no fear.
Do you respond well to any types of medicines?
Pain medication usually makes me extremely drowsy, but that’s not necessarily a good thing.
Are you a jealous person?
Nope. Occasionally I’ll feel a twinge of jealously, but I try desperately hard to not dwell on it. I try to trust people and not overact or jump to conclusions. But I am the type of person who will quickly cut ties with someone if they hurt me.
Does/did either of your parents serve in the military?
Does it bother you when people talk through your television programs?
It depends on the person and the show. I have more patience with certain people, that’s for sure.
Did you enjoy going to Kindergarten?
I think I did.
Do you have recurring dreams and/or nightmares? If so, what about?
I rarely, rarely dream and it’s even rarer for me to remember my dreams. I don’t recall any recurring dreams.
Have you ever had a concussion? If so, what from?
Not that I recall.
Do you own any paintings?
Yes, my nana’s grandniece painted me a portrait of Hermione from the Harry Potter series.
Have you ever had a detention? If so, what for?
Once in 7th grade because I forgot to have my parents sign a form. The punishment did not fit the crime.
Are you afraid of dying?
Not really, I know that’s it’s inevitable. I’m only afraid of dying in a painful, terrifying way (drowning for instance).
Can you shoot a gun?
I never have, so my guess is no.
Do you tend to see the beauty in everything?
I try. I’m very much a ‘glass is half full’ person.
Are you able to find inspiration in anything?
Not necessarily. But I have found inspiration in interesting places.
Do you have good eyesight?
I wear glasses, but my eyesight isn’t horrible.
Have you ever been in a vehicle accident?
Thankfully no.
Do you enjoy reading educational magazines?
When it comes to money, are you a big spender or more frugal?
I’m pretty frugal. I am pretty cheap about certain things (food is one of the few things I don’t worry about the cost of, everything else, not so much).
Do you ever spontaneously start singing?
Sometimes. I love to sing, but am aware that I’m not that good at it. But that’s not a total loss.
Do you honestly care what others think of you?
Honestly? Occasionally, on certain things, I can’t help but worry about what others will think. But for the most past, I don’t care.