Monday, April 9, 2012


Reading into things
Sometimes I can't help it
Things will never be
The way they once were
The way I want them to be

Everything has changed
Every memory is a pain in my heart
Tears constantly threaten to fall
I am no longer who I want to be
All of me is lost

Over and melodramatic
I know these emotions are over the top
I cannot suppress how I feel
But I don't know how to let it out
Shaking and sobs are not how I want to deal

I am tired of the pain
Had hoped this would ease it
I am less confused
Less worried, But more hallow
And afraid of completely falling

I can never again be who I want to be
You managed to take that from me
My entirety is now labeled
I no longer get to keep secrets
You shattered my entire world

I hope to someday know me again
To feel comfortable in my own skin
How I long to be happy
Not hiding from the world
Are you happy with what you've done?