Friday, May 13, 2011

Patiently Impatient

I feel completely suffocated
As though nothing I do is right.
Is it not enough to let me live?
I will never be who I used to be
People grow, people change
This is how it’s supposed to be.

Can you not accept the way things are?
Is it really that difficult to let go?
I have to explore my options.
I desperately want to be more.
I’m heading in this direction.
Nothing you say will make me turn around.

I can’t tell you everything.
And when I do tell you,
It’s apparent you don’t listen or care.
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder
Why I have ever bothered.
You’re controlling, rarely caring.

I’m reaching out for a new life,
Jumping in with both feet.
I want new experiences.
To go through this journey. 
I want to finally be me...